Reverend John I. Fleming

Senior Pastor and Founder

The Church of the Open Bible


Reverend John I Fleming is the founder of The Church of the Open Bible in Brooklyn, New York. Pastor John Fleming was ordained in 1998 as the pastor of the Open Bible Church, under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  Senior pastor Fleming gave his life to the Lord in 1969 at an Evangelistic crusade.  Since then he has been a vessel for the Lord. Senior Pastor Fleming has been instrumental in leading many souls to the Lord.  He had used
Every Sunday @11:30 am
all his gifts and talents to enhance the work of the Lord. He has been a Sunday school teacher, a Deacon, an assistant and trusted leader for many years under the leadership of the Late Pastor Cox and Dr. Bishop Sheafe.  He is a spiritual and physical builder for the Lord. Our Church Building was designed and constructed by Senior Pastor. He is truly a Kingdom builder.


Senior Pastor is married to his wife first lady, Pastor: Dr. Fleming. For over 50 years they have been walking side by side together, working and serving the Lord for 50 years, they have four children and many grandchildren.


Our senior Pastor is known for his giving spirit. He is known to always "give someone an opportunity". He is unselfish in is giving, and go above and beyond to break down barriers for anyone in need of help. He is a visionary and a planter. Over the years he has been instrumental in helping many people obtain and experience their dreams, and needs in the City of New York and aboard.  He has been also instrumental in bridging the gap by helping many, seeking and finding ways to opening doors for people in need.

Senior Pastor primary vision for The church of the Open Bible,  came to pass twenty-nine years (29) ago, God gave him the vision of planting an Open Bible church ministry in the middle of East Flatbush Brooklyn community. A church where people would have a place to come, to worship and receive spiritual and physical help with their daily needs.  This vision, was instrumental in birthing the worldwide ministry of People helping People" which brought about the extension of the Open Bible Ministry reaching people all over the world today.


Our senior Pastor Fleming has  lead many believers to Christ. He now overseeing our New York and International ministry, & OBC Churches.